Meet IDA | Intuitive Data Analytics

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Meet IDA

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Think. Speak. Swipe. Plan.

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IDA is designed to be an interactive BI solution. A true virtual data assistant that allows you to understand and play with your data. A tool to support the human thought process on your “journey of discovery”.
She’s designed to help you address high value problems and inspire your next big move.

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Here are some key features about IDA

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Personalized View

Create your own personalized dashboard on the fly. No programming required, you become your own IT engineer.

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Unrestricted Thought

Ask any question. See instant visualizations.  Robust NLP capability – no reports or visualizations are pre-built.

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AI Bubbles

Our AI bubbles guide your thought process. They provide you with “hints” to identify what may be relevant to you.

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Predicting the Future

IDA allows you to visualize “what-if” scenarios, predict disruptive events, and display impact analysis.

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What is Business Intelligence?

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It is a tool or process used to analyze business data and turn it into actionable insights which can support organizations and businesses in making better informed data-focused decisions.

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What is IDA?

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It is the nickname for our new product, Intuitive Data Analytics.

IDA is the most advanced next generation BI, that allows you to instantly ask any questions about your business data.

IDA can build any business simulation or model without programming or pre-build templates. Users do not need to learn commands, or memorize menu options.

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Ask and You Will See.

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With her natural human intuition, she can empower you to think strategically. Our unique user experience design eliminates the need for a series of meetings, because your data will instantly be ready.

IDA completely eliminates your I.T costs and wait time that is associated with building reports, charts, and dashboards. Most importantly, with IDA, you can analyze hypothetical scenarios and test out different business models on your own without any I.T or Data Scientists help.

IDA makes YOU in control as the problem solver.

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Find out how IDA can revolutionize the way your team works and achieves successs

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Find out how IDA can revolutionize the way your team works to achieves success.

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IDA incorporates Data Science & enables Sales Management Executives to track growth, predict growth, and visualize strategy.

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How did the pandemic and unforeseen events affect your business?

IDA’s predictive modeling tools help businesses plan and strategize for the unexpected.

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